The semi-automatic biochemical analyzer is a medical clinical instrument that measures the content of various components in human blood and urine, quantitative biochemical analysis results, and provides reliable digital evidence for clinical diagnosis of various diseases in patients. It is a necessary routine testing equipment for clinical practice. Applicable to hospitals of all levels.
Semi-automatic biochemical analyzers can be divided into two categories: flow type and discrete type.
The so-called flow-type automatic biochemical analyzer means that the chemical reaction after mixing the samples to be tested and the reagents with the same measurement items is completed in the process of flowing in the same pipeline. This is the first generation of automated biochemical analyzers. In the past, the biochemical analyzer with many channels refers to this category. There is more serious cross-contamination, the results are less accurate, and it is now eliminated.
The main difference between the discrete automatic biochemical analyzer and the flow type is that the chemical reaction between each sample to be tested and the reagent mixture is completed in its own reaction vessel, which is less prone to poor pollution and reliable results.